Want to learn more about growing vegetables, orchids, and more? Here are a few links to common horticultural questions we receive.
Growing a Kitchen Garden
Whether you live in a single-family dwelling, a townhouse, or an apartment, if you have an area with sun, you can grow herbs, fruits, and vegetables.
Cultivating Carnivorous Plants
There are more than 720 species of carnivorous plants, many with astounding adaptations to inhospitable habitats. With this kind of variety, there is no one way to grow carnivorous plants, but here are some general tips to get you started.
Orchids Care Tips
The secret to success in growing orchids indoors is choosing plants that are best suited to the growing environment. See our tips for caring for your orchid.
Poinsettia Care
Learn how to properly care for a poinsettia to have it last throughout the holiday season.
Native Plant Recommendations
Explore some of our favorite native plants in categories ranging from wetland plants and shrubs to trees and wildflowers.
Strengthening Soil Fertility
Fertility is a soil’s ability to provide essential nutrients for plant growth. Give careful consideration to your soil and learn how to boost its fertility.
Plant Hotline
If you have questions about a plant in your garden, please feel free to reach out to our Plant Hotline. You can leave a message at (202) 226-4785 or send us an email, which will be forwarded to the appropriate person for a response.