Time to embark on your very own exploring expedition of the U.S. Botanic Garden Conservatory to discover the amazing world of plants! Our Plant Explorer's Field Journal, available at the Visitor Information Services Desk, will help record your experiences.
What is a field journal?
Botanists and other scientists keep field journals to record observations, thoughts and questions about the life forms or habitats they study. Botanists’ field journals typically contain dates and locations of the observation, a sketch and description of the size and color of the plants, a habitat description and questions raised by your observation.
Begin your expedition
As you travel through the Conservatory, you will record your own observations, learn about the plants in our collection and complete activities in your Plant Explorer's Field Journal.
The exploration continues
Even after you leave the U.S. Botanic Garden, remember to keep your eyes peeled and be on the lookout, because there are fascinating plants wherever you go!