Open for the 2024 season! The Children's Garden is open seasonally, from Spring to Fall, approximately May through October. Specific dates will be shared each May and October.
When young children use their imaginations to relate to their surroundings, there is evidence that they are also developing a life-long affection for the natural world. Kids are invited to see what's in bloom, dig, plant, water, and touch and smell the plants in the Children's Garden. Watch your kids play, discover, and awaken their curiosity! Shaded seating is available for kids and adults throughout the garden.
Explore the outdoor Children’s Garden in the U.S. Botanic Garden Conservatory, featuring:
- platform discovery structure – a series of terraced platforms create a climbing structure, with overhead arching aluminum posts that mimic the architectural style of the Conservatory. Interactive panels on the platforms demonstrate the diversity and usefulness of plants.
- watering and planting stations with child-sized digging tools and watering cans. Look for containers of plants near the tools that children can plant themselves.
- small-sized fruiting plants such as banana, apple, and fig.
- motion-activated misting poles
- kiwifruit tunnel – supported by a metal arbor, growing kiwifruit vines enclose a tunnel large enough to walk through.